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Leveraging the Untapped Potential of Gaming

GroupM Nexus Minds Seminar in Denmark

Leveraging the Untapped Potential of Gaming

Gaming is no longer just about entertainment – it represents an exciting opportunity for brands to create immersive experiences and build deeper connections with audiences across platforms and creative campaigns. This seminar will explore how gaming offers access to an engaged and diverse community, reaching a wide range of demographics.

With 58% of Danes gaming every week or more, and the average gamer being 35 years old – with women making up 25% – gaming is not confined to a niche audience, but rather an integrated part of everyday media consumption. As an advertiser, you simply can’t afford to exclude gaming from your media strategy.

In this seminar, the gaming agency, Goblin Creative, will explore how you can build gaming-native strategies that speak to the norms and values of the community, while our specialists will dive deeper into gaming audiences and showcase how brands can strategically use gaming to boost engagement and drive meaningful results.


  1. 08.30-9.00: Coffee & Croissants
  2. 09.00-9.30: “Leveraging Underappreciated Attention within Gaming” w. Rasmus Wisti Simonsen from Goblin Creative. How can you build a gaming-native strategy that resonates with audiences, builds lasting brand loyalty, and leverages cost-effective reach?
  3. 9.30-10.00: “Who are the gamers?” w. Aline Bougard, Senior Consultant from Wavemaker. What makes gaming audiences unique? Get an overview of consumer insights and strategic approaches to reaching gamers.
  4. 10.00-10.20: “Programmatic gaming solutions via paid media” w. GroupM Nexus. Our specialists will give you a run-through of the programmatic possibilities in gaming and provide concrete cases on display, video & in-game.

Seminar Dates 

  • Tuesday, October 22nd: Europaplads 2, 8000 Aarhus C
  • Wednesday, October 23rd: Holmbladsgade 133, 2300 Copenhagen S