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GroupM Nexus

Leading the next era of media activation

GroupM Nexus is the largest performance organization in the Nordics with 440 talents playing a vital part in shaping the most impactful and recognized brands in the world.

GroupM Nexus serves as a toolbox for the agencies of GroupM to activate client strategies and bridge brand and performance.

But we are not good because we are big; we are big because we are good.

Connected talent

One community

GroupM Nexus brings together specialists across ad ops, addressable content & TV, AI, commerce, programmatic, search and social, among others, to deliver transformational outcomes across digital channels and platforms and create exciting new career paths for our people.

Connected technology

One performance engine for growth

Focused on enabling multi-channel insight, we are constantly incubating our technology engine to integrate existing and future technologies and tools for campaign planning, activation, and optimization. This outcome-driven engine is powered by machine learning and AI.

Connected thinking

One organization and approach

Powered by the world’s leading global media performance talent and technologies, we adopt a client engagement model that delivers tailor-made, outcome-driven, digital capabilities at scale and speed for clients.

An ad that cannot be seen has no value

Media needs to be more accountable across all channels, platforms, and devices. A channel neutral, outcome-first approach with clearly defined and mutually agreed goals should be a standard and staple in all client campaigns.

Our Expertise

GroupM Nexus unites talent within Video, Social, Search, Display, Print, Native, OOH, Influencer Marketing, Commerce, MarTech, AI, Addressable Content, and Performance Consultancy into one, single Nordic unit.

​Together we execute ad strategies for local and global audiences, and also serve as a global hub of innovation.​

Our People

GroupM Nexus offers talent unique opportunities to become the best within their field, work with world-class professionals, and to make the world their stage. Our talents join a truly global network with opportunities that match.

Our Technology

GroupM Nexus designs, develops, and delivers cutting-edge, proprietary technology. Our ‘Media Solutions’ is an AI-driven programmatic business unit, optimizing digital success. Goat is an influencer marketing tool, that sources and matches creators with campaigns. 

By investing in technology, we create a unique advantage for clients. ​

Benefits For Our Clients

GroupM Nexus provides clients with:

  • Access to the world’s leading media performance talent.
  • Improved brand and campaign performance thanks to a new AI powered approach to outcome planning and more frequent
    in-platform and cross-platform optimization.​
  • The ability to incorporate creative production and optimization at scale.​
  • Better informed and connected insights that allow brands to learn
    more about what the real growth drivers are for them.​
  • Open architecture to better integrate with Acceleration as well as clients’ own tech stack and data assets.​
  • Flexible commercial models available to suit client needs, including outcome-based approach.​

Benefits For Our People

  • Community:
    • Access to the collective intelligence, mentorship, and capabilities of a Nordic organization united in a single mission to deliver better performance for​ our clients.
  • Inspiration:
    • Exposure to meaningful work, new ways of thinking and ground-breaking insights redefining the future​ of media. 
  • Opportunity:
    • Infinite ways to create scaled solutions for clients and markets, using the latest AI and data-led technology. 
  • Development:
    • Enhanced opportunities and professional development across practice areas of excellence, agencies,clients and markets.

Our Core Principles 

  1. We believe performance is full funnel. ​
  2. We are outcome obsessed, but don’t compromise brand values. ​
  3. Client success is our North Star.​
  4. Data & AI inform everything we do, including outcome planning, creative production, and platform optimization. ​
  5. We are commercially and financially aware. ​
  6. We aim to offer the best learning and career development opportunities for our diverse talent base. ​
  7. We foster a culture of innovation, experimentation, and constant improvements.​
  8. We create, share, and apply learnings and expertise across the group.  ​​​ 

Get to know us