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Which of your digital marketing investments are actually driving growth?

Paradigm is our award-winning, digital measurement and attribution solution that helps you identify which of your digital marketing investments are actually driving conversions and revenue, enabling you to make better investment decisions, avoid over-attribution, and get the most out of every advertising penny spent.

Through seamless integration with all major advertising platforms, Paradigm takes your campaign data and gathers it in a dynamic dashboard powered by cloud technology and machine learning to help you assess where your advertising budget is best allocated.

A true paradigm shift

  • Future-proof: Doesn’t rely on cookies, making you completely privacy-compliant.
  • Holistic: Puts data on equal footing, providing you with truly reliable data.
  • Dynamic: Allows you to optimize your budget daily.
  • Predictive: Reassesses and forecasts your future digital investments.

How it works

  • Get a clear, streamlined snapshot of your digital media performance across all channels.
  • Evaluate performance and compare trending performance across platforms to identify the most efficient campaign settings.
  • Set your simulation period, select active channels, and define a budget. Paradigm analyzes your inputs and generates recommendations for your media budget mix.

Clear results

Clients that have already integrated Paradigm in the digital marketing setup have seen a significant increase in return on ad spend, simply by having a clearer, more accurate view of their cross-platform performance.

On average, our clients experience an incremental performance uplift of +20% on total digital media investments.

Future-proof your digital marketing setup

Paradigm has already created clear results for brands across the Nordics – is it your turn?

Experience the power of Paradigm today. Request a demo and discover how to:

  • Break free from walled gardens and gain a unified view of your marketing data.
  • Optimize your budget allocation like never before with real-time data-driven insights.
  • Drive your campaign success to unprecedented heights – without relying on cookies.

Who to reach out to:

For Specsavers, Paradigm has yielded groundbreaking results:

  • +3M DKK annual media saving across social, programmatic video, display, and paid search.
  • 16% lower cost per acquisition.
  • +22M DKK incremental turnover from the saved media budget reinvested in the same media groups.
  • 108M DKK in increased revenue after rollout in Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the Netherlands.

Given today’s complexity in attributing conversions to the correct digital media activities, it is becoming increasingly important for us to work with a holistic and future-proof attribution solution to ensure that Specsavers’ media investment is optimized for maximizing our selected business KPIs. Paradigm is a solution that solves exactly that.” Specsavers, North Europe Region.

For Danske Licens Spil, Paradigm provides daily granular optimization of media investments aimed at driving sales in two of the largest business areas within online betting and gambling.

“At Danske Licens Spil we implemented Paradigm as our digital attribution solution in 2023 together with our partners at GroupM. Paradigm is now serving as a central decision-making tool for our digital media investments across a number of brands.

The solution gives us access to a platform that delivers daily updates on digital media channel ROIs and it has become central to our daily routines and ways of working within digital marketing planning”, Tessa Gustafsen, Senior Performance Manager at Danske Spil.


For Stadium, Paradigm supports cross-channel budgeting, maximizing the impact of performance campaigns on e-commerce sales.

The solution has driven incredible results:

  • 20% reduction in client’s Cost Per Click (CPC).
  • 10% increase in online conversions and sales.
  • Automated ad campaign budgeting, maximizing budgets.

“To continue to be hyper-relevant to our customers, we needed an automated, dynamic approach to budget setting”, Lars Rosén, Head of Marketing at Stadium

For Aller Media, Paradigm provides real-time performance data on all digital, cross-channel investments and offers tangible recommendations on how to optimize budget allocation.

“At the start of 2024, we implemented GroupM’s digital measurement and attribution solution, Paradigm, at Aller Media. We wanted a solution that could provide us with real-time updates on the effects of our digital investments and hold them up against our chosen KPI – the number of subscriptions sold. That is exactly what Paradigm does.

We now use the solution daily to guide our digital investment decisions for all publications. Paradigm has proven to be incredibly reliable and valuable in optimizing these investments and helping us allocate our budget in the smartest way”.

– Mathies Bo Lundgren, Head of Acquisition & Marketing Operations, Aller Media

Deep-dive into Paradigm