Harnessing the Power of Instagram’s Reminder Ads for UEFA 2024

  • POV’s
  • June 11, 2024
  • Marcus Schnell Hansen

In today’s digital age, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage with their audiences. One such method that has gained significant traction in recent years is the use of Reminder Ads on Instagram.

These ads function by presenting users with an ad in their feed or story, featuring a call-to-action such as “Remind me”.

This feature can be used for various events, including concerts, series launches, and sporting events. For instance, during the upcoming UEFA European Football Championship 2024, brands can highlight certain matches or the event as a whole.

Users who interact with these ads will then receive branded reminders leading up to and during the event, ensuring consistent brand visibility.

Just like any regular ad run on Instagram, brands can choose their target audience to ensure relevancy. Moreover, they can make a reserved buy, securing certain prices even during peak periods when auction buying usually sees a price increase.

This strategy can be particularly beneficial during major events like the Euros, where interactions tend to increase exponentially.


According to a detailed marketing strategy report by Meta for the Euros 2024, reminder ads work effectively across different stages of the sales funnel.

They create awareness among users and foster engagement as users consciously sign up for the event. The subsequent reminders not only keep the brand top of mind but also increase the likelihood of users attending the event.

Interestingly, the report reveals that during big events like the World Cup or the Euros, 8 out of 10 viewers multiscreen, meaning they check social media during the match. This behavior underscores the importance of maintaining a strong and consistent presence on platforms like Instagram throughout the event.

Furthermore, the report highlights that the opening ceremony is the second most talked-about moment of the tournament, following the final. Brands can leverage this insight by scheduling Reminder Ads around these high-traffic moments to maximize visibility and engagement.

Lastly, Meta offers an Advantage+ program that allows businesses to optimize their campaigns using advanced AI. This includes automated audience targeting, placement, and creative enhancements.

Coupled with Reminder Ads, this can be a powerful tool for brands to broaden their audience reach in the most cost-efficient way during the Euros 2024.


Beyond the value of maintaining brand visibility and increasing event attendance, Reminder Ads also play a crucial role in audience retention.

By sending out branded reminders leading up to and during the event, brands can ensure they stay top of mind for their audience. This constant engagement increases the likelihood of users attending the event, thereby maximizing the brand’s reach and impact.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it’s crucial for brands to stay ahead of the curve and adapt their strategies accordingly. The use of Reminder Ads on Instagram represents one such opportunity to innovate and engage with audiences in a meaningful way.

By harnessing the power of these ads, brands can not only increase their visibility but also foster deeper connections with their audience, ultimately driving more impactful results.

Remember, successful marketing is all about delivering the right message to the right people at the right time. And with Reminder Ads, brands have a powerful tool at their disposal to do just that.

So, as we look forward to the excitement of the Euros 2024, let’s also embrace the opportunities it presents for innovative digital marketing strategies.


In conclusion, the upcoming UEFA European Football Championship 2024 offers a unique opportunity for brands to connect with their audience in real-time. By leveraging Reminder Ads on Instagram, brands can ensure they are part of the conversation during this highly anticipated event.

Whether it’s creating awareness, fostering engagement, or increasing event attendance, Reminder Ads provide a versatile and effective solution for brands looking to maximize their impact during major sporting events.

Do you have any questions about leveraging Reminder Ads on Instagram or how to effectively activate your brand leading up to and during the UEFA European Football Championship 2024? Do not hesitate to reach out to Marcus Schnell Hansen, Social Specialist, at [email protected]