Reaching Consumers Through the Power of Audio

  • POV’s
  • August 27, 2024
  • Josephine Blaabjerg

Podcasts have soared in popularity over recent years, becoming an integral part of many people’s daily routines. In Denmark, this trend is no different.  

However, 2023 saw a slowing down in the growth of podcast listenership. While every third Dane over the age of 15 reported listening to at least one podcast weekly, marking a slight increase from previous years, the growth rate has started to slow down. 

Interestingly, for the first time, there was a decrease in weekly podcast coverage among 15-24-year-olds. After several years of increasing listenership, peaking at 49% in 2022, podcast momentum finally slowed down in 2023. 

This slowdown in the growth of podcast listenership in 2023 is not entirely unexpected. Given the rise in popularity that podcasts have experienced over the past few years, it was inevitable that this upward trend would eventually begin to level off. 

It’s worth noting that this decline doesn’t necessarily indicate that young listeners are losing interest in podcasts. Actually, a comprehensive survey by DR Analyse found that most young listeners report a lack of new content to listen to, contrasting with adult listeners who cited a lack of time.

Graph title: Development in the podcast medium's weekly 

A Channel with No Guilt 

Despite the lack of continued growth, podcast is still a medium that has a lot of unique value to offer its listeners. 

An interesting insight from DR’s media report reveals that Danes perceive listening to content as a superior form of consumption compared to other types. They consider audio less antisocial and often view it as a healthier alternative to screen time. There could be several reasons as to why that is.  

One reason could be related to the way that we normally consume podcasts. Typically, Danes listen to podcasts via headphones, whether it’s during their commute to work or school, while cooking or cleaning at home. This means that it is a hands-free medium that allows us to do something else while listening.  

So, listening to podcasts is not stealing your time since you are able to be productive while doing so. Other media channels, such as TV, are seen as being time stealers that keep you from being productive. This is also why, unlike screen-based activities such as binge-watching Netflix or deep-scrolling on the phone, listening to a podcast doesn’t trigger the same guilt. DR’s study actually shows that guilt related to podcast listening is equal to reading, i.e. non-existent.  


Content Preferences 

The content preferences among Danish podcast listeners are as diverse as their listeners themselves. News and current affairs podcasts dominate during weekdays, with formats like “Tiden” and “Genstart”, released at 3 am from Monday to Friday, providing listeners with the day’s essential headlines, stories, and perspectives. 

However, there’s a lot more than just news and current affairs in the Danish podcast world. Genres such as true crime, psychology, satire, and history also command a significant audience. True crime, in particular, stands out as the most listened-to genre, capturing the attention of 39% of podcast consumers. 


Podcasts: A Unique Marketing Channel 

In an increasingly overflowing media landscape, podcasts carve out a unique space. They cater to a wide range of interests, from news and current affairs to true crime and history. This diversity enables advertisers to target specific audiences based on their interests, ensuring their message resonates with the right listeners. 

Podcasts also offer a unique approach to brand safety. Typically, brands would avoid association with explicit content, fearing potential damage to their reputation. However, podcasts have demonstrated an interesting dynamic where listeners can separate the content from the associated brands. This separation allows brands to safely feature themselves in various genres, such as true crime podcasts, without risking their reputation.  

Moreover, podcast listeners are typically highly engaged, often tuning in to entire episodes. This captive audience offers advertisers a high level of engagement, translating into better recall and response to advertising messages. 

Unlike traditional advertising mediums, podcasts offer flexibility and creativity in ad formats. Whether it’s host-read ads that feel more personal and less intrusive, or creative spots that align with the tone and content of the podcast, there’s room for innovation. 

Perhaps one of the most compelling aspects of podcasts as a marketing channel is the trust they command. Podcast hosts often have a loyal following who trust their opinions and recommendations. When these hosts endorse brands, this trust can extend to the advertisers, providing an opportunity to build credibility and loyalty among potential customers. 

Additionally, as a primarily audio-based medium, podcasts allow consumers to multitask. Listeners can tune in while commuting, cooking, or cleaning, offering advertisers more opportunities to reach consumers during parts of the day when other forms of media may be less accessible. 


Would you like to explore further the potential opportunities offered by podcasts? Then do not hesitate to reach out to Josephine Elex Blaabjerg, Senior Audio & Video Strategy Specialist, at [email protected]