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What we do

Open agency

Creating groundbreaking solutions requires flexibility and agility, which is why we work with an Open Agency-approach. Open Agency is as much a physical setup as it is a way of working. All our agencies and brands sit together under the same roof across all our Nordic offices, so we can work more closely and in a streamlined way, and utilize the collective strength of our different fields of excellence.

Central to Open Agency is that the client’s needs define the team. We set the right team – across agencies, brands, partners, and borders – to provide access to the best and most relevant skillsets. If the client’s requirements or marketing challenges change, our team adapts accordingly.

Below, you can read more about what we do and why we do it.


You would usually start with an explanation of what you do before you dive into why you’re doing it – but for us, the why is much more important than the “what” and the “how”. This is because everything we do is grounded in asking “why?”. Why are we in the business of marketing and media? Why are we working with this particular client? Why do we go to work every morning? The answer is simple: Because we are truly passionate about marketing and media, and want to be the preferred partner for our clients, helping them drive real growth.

What We Do

No matter what challenges our clients are facing, whatever their needs are, and regardless of what the final solution looks like, the common denominator for our work is: Co-creation. We want clients to see us just as much as a strategic partner as a solver of problems. We believe that both we and our clients get the most out of our collaboration when we work together. Together with our clients, we define what challenge we should solve, what success looks like, what creates real value, and how that value is measured.

How We Do It

Each client’s needs and challenges are different. For that reason, the solutions, services, and products we offer are many and tailored to the client’s unique situation – whether that means building a cross-channel media strategy, an AI-driven digital measurement solution, finding the right influencers for a campaign, or combining addressable ads with programmatic media buying. Our size, experience, and talent enable us to tackle whatever marketing challenge a client may be facing.

Our Services & Products

Paradigm is our award-winning, digital measurement and attribution solution that helps you identify which of your digital marketing investments are actually driving conversions and revenue, enabling you to make better investment decisions, avoid over-attribution, and get the most out of every advertising penny spent.

Through seamless integration with all major advertising platforms, Paradigm takes your campaign data and gathers it in a dynamic dashboard powered by cloud technology and machine learning to help you assess where your advertising budget is best allocated.

Learn much more about Paradigm here, and how it has created value for many clients across the Nordics.